A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pictures - As Above, So Below?

Autumn around my house in Virginia.
Drew and Me in Colorado
The Lake in Springtime. Drew's playground.
Our winter playground in Vail.

     These places were and are all part of our lives. If time is not really linear as we know it, then all the time we spent here, lived here and played here must still be very much a part of our lives.
     Late one night as I lay in bed reading, I felt one of those sudden whoooshes of warmth. This happens whenever I sense that Drew is here. I'm past the hot flashing stage so unless I'm getting younger, these whooshes have nothing to do with hormones.

     And then I heard, "I haven't gone anywhere Mom. I'm as close as I ever was. I look the same - still handsome (Chuckle) I sound the same - nothing's changed. I'm the same as I always was." 

     It's more like a thought transference than actual speech. Telepathic communication, but as clear as a bell. When he communicates, I can feel his energy, smell his skin, see him as clearly as if he's right in front of me.  I feel his mood. I know whether he's happy, sad for me, not for himself, amused or excited. 

He's told me where he is, what he's doing now and what happened when he crossed over.

     "Dad was there. He took me back to our house."

     "Our house?"

     "Yes - exactly like our house on the lake. He told me what had happened and then he told me to  sleep. I must have slept for ages - in my room at home - everything is exactly the same. And when I woke up, he cooked for me."

      "You have to cook over there?" What!

     Laugh. "If you feel like it. Mostly you just think up something you'd like and it's there. He cooked for me to let me know I was home." 

     Drew's room is the downstairs room at the foot of the stairs behind the French Doors. I'm glad you're home, Drew.

     I've read, been told and now I've been shown that Heaven is exactly like our physical Earth. Only Much, much better.  Let's talk about "What's out There" in the next blog.
     Thanks for coming!

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