A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Wonder...

   I went to Raleigh, North Carolina this week for a quick visit to see good friends.
   While I was there, I met three of my book readers, listened to their comments, registered their thoughts and discussed the content of the book and how this "out there " theme affects different people. My readers come from all different sectors by the way. Some of them have no doubt that there is spirit life out there, that there is a place beyond this and that we can communicate. Others wonder about it, picking and choosing what feels comfortable to them and then there are those readers (usually my dear, loyal, loving friends who are the scientists among us.) the engineers, the number crunchers - you know - the left brainers - who say "Show Me!" I'm trying.  And some surprises. A couple of scientists who say, "Why not? It actually compliments science."   We had some really constructive discussions.
   But what excites me the most is when people suddenly say, "Yeah! I know exactly what you're talking about!"  or "Let me tell you what happened to me just after my dad passed..." then "Oh gosh! I always wondered was that dream was about... and yes! I met the stranger in the dream about five years later!"
   How neat is that...I love it. People just like you and me have been tweaked by something in the blog or in the book and it triggers their own experiences. This is what the blog and the book are all about, Possums! (I used to love that old Dame - where is she now? Was it Dame Edith? The one who called everyone "Possum"?)
   I especially love the replies from people who say something like, " I lost a child ...I found this so uplifting. Thank you!" Thank you - and thank you Universe for helping me to reach someone.
   Sometimes it opens flood gates allowing the old memories to seep out, dust off and shine. Sometimes this discussion loosens old tears with remembered laughter. 
   One person told me that after reading my story, he began to write down his own story following the tragic loss of his police dog, a partner in every sense of the word, who gave his  life for his master. A few days later he was walking down a familiar street and heard a dog barking. A german shepherd puppy had fallen into a trash can and couldn't get out. The man rescued him and returned him to his owner, a rookie policeman who had been given the puppy to train.There are no coincidences.
   The really great thing about this is when I'm talking to a child about these things. Suddenly his eyes will get a faraway look. A smile creeps across his face and he says, "I remember that place..."
   My heart leaps and then I think, "Why wouldn't he?" It hasn't been very long since he was there. 
   Remembering is good.

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