A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Sixth Sense

As you read "By Morning's Light" you may be thinking to yourself, "That's fine for Ginny - she can see things other people can't - she must be some sort of 'psychic' or one of those woo woo weirdos that can read your mind."

Not so. What I'm doing in "By  Morning's Light", is using my intuition and Sixth Sense. We are all intuitive to one degree or another and we all have a Sixth Sense whether we know it or not, but as we've become more and more physically sophisticated, we've come to rely almost exclusively on the physical senses we possess. Such as sight, hearing, smell, and touch (I've drawn a blank on the 5th) And in that evolutionary process, the Sixth Sense has been pushed aside and overtaken.

The good news is that with a little effort it can be brought out of hiding and revitalized. And we can all do it.  Everyone reading this has experienced it at some time in their lives. Have you ever met a stranger and taken an immediate liking - or dislike too? The physical you has almost no information to base that feeling on, but somehow, a part of you is Very Sure. That would be Intuition. And it's very accurate - partly because there's no interference from the rationalizing, analyzing physical you. It's a "sudden flash of intuition."

Yesterday I was in the bank and the teller was counting out money in front of me, fully focused on the count when I noticed another bank person come in behind her with a message. The counting teller was looking down at the desk, focused on her hands flipping through the money, when she suddenly said, "I have company." Without any help from her physical eyes or ears, she knew someone was standing behind her - too far from her to pick up the heat energy or any other physical clue. Her Sixth Sense, unhampered by the physical had kicked in and picked up the "intruder".

I'm told that people who are sight or hearing impaired, use that Sixth Sense automatically. Of course!

There's another facet to this. There are those times in the early morning hours just before waking and late at night just before sleeps comes, when the physical mind is uncluttered with thought, the conscious mind is falling asleep or not yet quite awake, when the Sixth Sense kicks in in a big way. Automatically. This is when those dreams - those very real dreams or snippets of dreams happen. Clear, lucid, significant thought dreams. Pay attention to them.

Awareness is key to the development of this sense. And like anything, the more you use it the sharper it becomes. I've been developing mine for many years. Ever since, as a child, I recognized my intuition and treated it as solidly as I did my hearing or eye sight. I acknowledged it and came to rely on it and gave it room to grow. You can do it too.

Until next time - or perhaps we'll meet up in a beautiful dream. Have Fun!

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