A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Friends on Many Levels

I'm so darn lucky to have you all as friends! My women friends, my men friends, family friends (You know well no matter how hard you try - or not - there are some family members that may never be friends) Work friends, exercise friends, writing buddies, face book friends, Linked in and linked up friends, dance friends old friends and new friends. Oh WOW! You fill up my life and make me the luckiest person on earth.

Because of you, I can look forward to each day. I look forward to the mornings, afternoons and evenings when we may spend time together. A phone call, a cup of coffee, a Zumba class (can we do lunch? :) and dinner for two or three or four or ten or just a walk in the park. Or an email.
Because of you, I'm inspired to write. You give me ideas and encouragement and cheer me on like a marching band.
You were there during the writing of By Morning's Light, during the anxious search for a publisher, through the many edits, the re-writes, the final joyful publishing moment and now the reading of my story, the push to get it spread all over the world, your beautiful observations, your happiness for me, your encouragement at every turn. I am so thankful for each and everyone of you. For a word meister - I'm lost for words.
I'm so darn lucky to have you all as friends.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you, Ginny, by the way you think and live, attracted every one of us to you! - Arlo