A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Beach

I spent two days this week at Virginia Beach on the east coast, about an hour or so south of Williamsburg, a stone's throw from Norfolk. I love this place! It's been called "scruffy", "commercial",  and a few other misleading things. In reality, it has the most beautiful, the tidiest and cleanest beach on the coast. It is rimmed by a boardwalk, lawns, and a bike trail. No homes are built on the sand, blocking access, no "private" areas forbidden to visitors. And a "strip"  full of fun entertainment.What's not to love?

When I wasn't splashing in the surf and walking the beach listening to music, I was at the Edgar Cayce Center signing copies of my book, "By Morning's Light". How great was that! I had the most wonderful time, met so many neat people who came from all over the country and beyond. They were all there attending a big week long members conference.

Now listen to this! I found myself staying late the first afternoon I was there and reading excerpts from the book to several people who were interested. The part I read over and over was the piece where I describe the 3: 00 a.m. phone call from my son where I heard,"Hi!" "Hi Mom." Leaving me in no doubt that it was him. If you've read the book you'll understand the reference.

So, the next morning, I got up early - before six, when there were only a few people on the beach and the newly risen sun. And there, right below my hotel balcony, were the words, written on the freshly swept beach, "Hi Mom." 

What are the odds that this would be written on the only morning I was there, right under my room? By Morning's Light .... the most beautiful yellow sunlight, shining on the sand, lighting up my world.

How absolutely GREAT!

1 comment:

Dulce Levitz said...

Amazing, I love it!! it was so wonderful meeting you on Thursday! Love your book, can't put it down. You are an amazing writer, with so much insight and a wonderful message for humanity. Drew is differently still with us, just in a different form. You both are amazing! So glad we crossed paths. Please stay in touch. Much Love, Light, Peace and all there is.