A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kitty Power

   The title may mislead you into thinking I'm a cat-person. Cat Woman I am not. But one day about six and a half years ago this little cat strolled in - from where I don't know. She found us somehow and decided this was where she wanted to live. In the beginning she was almost ferral. (although we discovered that she was litter-trained) I think she had been fending for herself in the woods for sometime. But my son Drew began feeding her and within days she moved in and set up her domain. The dog was never the same again but being a dog and totally unable to fend for himself, he had no option but to stay and be ruled by the invader. 
   We named her Miss Kitty because I had no idea what to call a cat. I think she likes the name. 
   Have you ever noticed how intuitive these animals are? They're just plain "psychic"! When I'm looking for her to take her to the vet, to admisnister anti-flea stuff etc...she can't be found. In fact all I have to do is think flea meds and she begins avoiding me. But at dinner time she's waiting by her bowl.
   The night my husband died she jumped up on to my bed and lay beside me purring all night long. Something she had never done before.There's no more comforting sound on earth than a cat's purr. She still sleeps there. And during those unhappy days when sudden memories assailed me, and grief threatened to overwhelm me, Miss Kitty would appear out of nowhere to be with me. It was uncanny. One day I was standing on the deck looking out at the lake when suddenly the tears began to flow. Then through the watery downpour I caught a glimpse of Miss Kitty tearing out of the woods, scampering up the steps to where I stood. She began winding in and out of my legs purring until I bent down and picked her up. This cat has witch power! 
   I dreamed of her one night. I was visiting friends half way across the world when one of those dreams that aren't really dreams flashed through my jet-lagged state.
   I was back at home in the dream, walking through the house looking for the cat who was nowhere to be found. Of course. I could feel the person walking around was me, but I wasn't solid . I was very light and see-through. Then I saw her waiting at the cat-cookie station (place where she waits for treats). She was also see-through and she began winding through my legs as I said, "There you are! I've missed you..." I picked her up in my weird looking see-through arms and hugged her. Then I lay down beside her on the kitchen floor and wrapped myself around her, so glad to see her... and I woke up.
   What was that! 
   Soul or Astral travel. That's what. One soul can call out to another in times of stress or need and the other will respond. Was Miss Kitty actually missing me? I think so. And my soul paid her a little visit leaving the physical me tossing and turning half way across the world.
How cool is that!


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