A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Monday, March 7, 2011

Into the Zone

   You've heard people say, "I just zoned out! I was driving along a familiar road - and get this - I have no recollection of the route!  I remember leaving home and the next thing I knew, I was here! Can't remember anything about the ride!" 
   Ever watched someone playing a hand held computer game, Mario, or something like it? Zoned out.
It happens often. You may be listening to music, excercising, gardening ... or praying. And sometimes when you're sitting cross-legged humming "Ommmmmmmm...." Zoned out!
   You're in an altered mental state. You've gone from the Beta (fully cognizant and involved) state to the Alpha state. When you got here, you left your chatty, inquiring and inquisitive mind behind and entered a quiet, instinctually fundamental place where your respiration slows, your muscles relax, your brain quiets itself and even your heart rate slows. No wonder it's good for you. You're in a state of meditation, or as I like to call it, "Just Being". You just are. You're not asking questions or engaging any other being in conversation or any other communication. You just are.
   And the really neat thing about this is that some part of you is completely and sharply aware. 
   Is it the mind? The brain seems to be taking a break so it is not directly involved other than to keep certain essential life support systems going. Or is it something more elemental entirely? Could it be that when the physical brain with all its computing, its questioning and scurrying here and there backs out, you become a clear and easy channel for your spirit to express itself? Once all the confusion and 'busyness' of your life is put in the back seat, noisy blocks and resistance are gone and your spirit can be heard... It can speak to you,  bring you to a place of peace where thought is clear and answers to the most troublesome questions are suddenly right in front of you... No wonder meditation is so good for you.
  And it's not that hard. Sometimes you slip into that state naturally, at other times you can consciously quiet yourself and just be. If you're doing it intentionally, it takes some practice to block the world out. Sometimes it's easier to take a long brisk walk or a run on the beach. Listen to the thump, thump, thump of your shoes on the ground  - it can have the same effect, can get you to that "zone" where different dimensions meet quite easily. Fresh air, a rythmic beat ...it can clear your mind which is an essential component of meditation.
   If you're sitting cross-legged on the floor, don't go for any marathon sessions. Try it for five or six minutes at first, gradually increasing the time as you get better at it. I like to meditate first thing in the morning or when I get into bed and turn the lights off, just before sleep. Although this has its pitfalls - such as falling asleep. But that's not so bad. What can possibly be wrong with deep relaxation and quiet before sleeping ...
So, you didn't get to do any serious meditation ... there's always tomorrow - and pay attention to your dreams.
Sleep well tonight!    

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