A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Monday, October 17, 2011

Brand New Day

Even if you arn't a racing fan, you couldn't miss the event that killed a 33 year old driver on Sunday afternoon. And you couldn't help wondering about those he left behind even though you didn't know them, had never even heard of them. Human suffering has a vibration all its own. It reaches all of us. Like a stone thrown into a pond, its ripples spread across the world, eventually touching the lives of people who had never expected it to, leaving a trace of melancholy to shade our day.

Miss Kitty hasn't heard about the accident, or if she has, it doesn't bother her. That's the way cats are. She woke up this morning, stretched, jumped off the end of my bed and after her handful of morning cookies, she slithered outside through her cat door.

No matter what happens, the new day has arrived. It dawned as surely as it ever has, the first flush of dawn coloring the hilltops in the distance, lighting the darkness slowly but surely. Miss Kitty can smell it. She'll wander her normal route, across the deck, down the steps, pausing to sniff a new pile of leaves that fell from the maple overnight. She'll sniff the cool damp morning for traces of a mole that may have raised his pink nose, speckled with black dirt. She'll reach out and tap at an earthworm that squiggled too far from its earthy home and then she'll continue up the brick walkway, a red carpet under her paws, through the flowerbeds to greet the last buds of summer. Everything is as it should be. Everything is the same.

But for those who are grieving, everything has changed. The new day is choked by the violent events of yesterday and no light can break through the mass of the crushed debris of broken lives.No dawn can soften the memory of the sound of  screeching metal, scarlet flames and the torn asphalt of the track.
In time, a new day will finally dawn, soft and pink and gently light a better day. It's inevitable. But it's arrival is ruled from an invisible realm - it is in the hands of some intagible timekeeper.Whoever that may be.

I hope your day is is a good one. I hope you take time to smell the last buds of summer, and savour that cup of coffee as if it were your last.  

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