A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Show Me a Sign

Cindy my friend from Raleigh came to visit. She zoomed in for the night and zoomed out the next day. While she was here she was practicing her psychic skills (Calls herself Psychic Two) but we spent most of the night laughing. As we usually do. She's been the light at the end of  a few very dark tunnels for me these last few years and during a time when I could barely smile, she could make me laugh out loud.
During this dark time in my life I was looking for signs from Drew - signs to show that he could hear me, that could see me. I desperately wanted to know that he was there - somewhere. And the signs were coming in from the ethers fast and furiously.
Cindy got miffed. "Where are my signs?" she demanded. So I explained that she had to ask for them. "Like what? What do I ask for?" 
Signs! I said. You know, a blue bird feather, a rainbow, a yellow rose in winter - don't make it too easy. "Anyone can produce flowers and rainbows," she snorted. "I want him to show me Zebras." She laughed her head off at her wit and the idea that she was going to outwit that canny world of spirit, and zoomed off down the road to Raleigh. I thought that the road to Raleigh was an unlikely place to find Zebras - but you never know.
And then she called me. "You are not going to believe this, Psychic One."
Try me, I said.
"There, right in front of my e4yes, was this giant U-Haul truck - its sides covered in painted Zebras!"
You just never know :)

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