A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Friday, July 8, 2011

Person of Interest

I was watching the Blue Bird house yesterday from my kitchen window. And as I watched, I saw the mother bird making passes at the house, carrying a worm in her beak. I thought, that's strange - why doesn't she stop and feed them? (I peaked, and there are five of them!)

Fearing the worst, I went out to make sure there wasn't a snake trying to climb up to the nest. Something was going on to cause her to shy away everytime she flew over. I do not like snakes. So I armed myself with a rake and a machete and headed up the walkway. Creeping on tiptoe, I approached without making a sound. If it was a snake I was ready to turn tail and run. I knew that. But at least if I took one swipe it might scare it away. What if it wrapped itself around the rake handle ... these are the things nightmares are made of. I'd probably die.

I was almost there. I approached with extreme caution, scanning the flower bed for the predator. The baby birds were squawking and carrying on, drowning out all other sound. No snake.

But there, camped out on a flattened daylily, under a patch of daisies with a spider web hanging off her ear, was Miss Kitty. No wonder the birds were freaking out. She looks like a miniature lion. She made that soft little chatter-mew that her breed the Maine Coons, are famous for as I stood there with my hands on my hips glaring at her, sending her some very sharp vibrations, making her blink. And then I scooped her up.

"You may not have a blue bird, Missy! Absolutely NOT!" A grunt and a swish of her tail followed by deep, half-growl-half  "put me down," whine as I took her into the house and proceeded to sit her down for a chat.

I think I told you, she's half-wild, so all her cat instincts are in tact. This kitty just showed up one day about seven years ago and took up residence in our house and I love her to death and she loves her cat-cookies. But Blue birds are NOT on the menu.


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