A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


     Do you believe in Angels? Every major religion does in one way or another. Angels who annouce events, angels who warn of danger, angels who jump into harms way to save you from certain anihilation... Those sort of angels. Well, I've read all the same stories you have but I've never seen one. At least not that I know of.  But I do have a story of my own that I wonder about.
      It's about a fall I took when my oldest son was an infant.
     Walt, my late husband was finishing up at the University of Arkansas, and I had spent the morning cleaning the apartment while my newborn slept and Karen our three year old, went over to the neighbors to play.
     The tile floors were the last places to be cleaned and I finished up with a flourish of suds and disinfectant that the smears of jam and the black heel skids and stuck on batter (from a batch of cookies) couldn't survive. And as if on cue, as I stashed the mop and emptied the bucket, my baby began to wail from the bedroom. Lunch time.
     We went through the cooing and gurgling and changing wet diaper routine and when he was patted and  powdered and totally rehabiltated I carried him into the kitchen to get whatever it was I had to get to get the feeding going.
     And stepped onto a slippery kitchen tile. My legs went out from under me and with my baby held in one arm, I flailed and hit the floor - resoundingly - with the tip of the elbow that was supporting his head. I lay there petrified. I felt no pain. Anywhere. My elbow should have been shattered. I turned my face and Michael blinked at me and began to wave his fists. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him. His head should have been badly shaken up at the very least. No sign of that.
     I climber gingerly to my feet waiting for all hell to break loose from broken arms and hips - nothing. Not even a twitch of pain.
     When I was on my feet I lay the baby on the couch and took stock of him and then of myself. He was perfect. And where there should have been a mushed elbow, blood, bruising and broken bones, there was nothing. Not even any reddening.
     For years following that incident I wracked my brains and couldn't for the life of me remember hitting the floor. I do remember falling and landing. It was a soft landing and I never felt my elbow hit the tile.
    Did I hit my head and black out? There was no mark on my head anywhere. No blood, no bump no headache. No crossed-eyes! Was I caught by an angel? I have no idea.
     If you have any similar stories, please let me hear from you. I'd love to include them on a website I'm thinking about putting together.
     Take care - walk with angels.

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