A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Monday, April 28, 2014

Among the Ghosts of Avenel

Saturday was an interesting day in many ways. Most interesting to me was "Rainbow Rising's" first public appearance, which was as much fun as baby Prince William's first peek at the world, but much more intriguing. My new baby made its debut amid the tall oaks, magnolias and broad green lawns of Avenel which is an old antebellum home,(circa 1838)in Bedford, Virginia. Before and during the Civil War it was the hub of social gatherings, hunts, and a stopping off place for guests like General Lee on his trips around he Commonwealth. On Saturday, it was the occasion of the Seven Hills Paranormal Society's Annual Conference. And sitting there surrounded by new books, old fireplaces and tall ceilings, I wondered if the legendary ghosts of Avenel would show themselves. The tales of "The White Lady" who wanders the main hall, glimpses of her through windows when no one's there, and sightings of a young girl in a high collar, had my senses on high alert. Once, many years ago, having lunch at Avenel on a Thursday afternoon, I had been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a woman wandering through the dining room. At first I felt her standing close to the table I shared with six other people. It felt like a flow of almost tangible energy at the back of my neck, and when I turned around, I had the distinct impression of a woman in period dress, charming, elegant and mingling with her guests. "That would be Miss Lettie," one of the caretakers of Avenel told us. How absolutely fabulous! On Saturday though, as I opened all channels and invited their spirits in for a chat, I knew it was a long shot; and although I hoped that they would come in, I wouldn't have blamed them if they'd stayed hidden for the day. The place was teeming with Ghost Busters, audio and camera equipment and tables full of wires and switches. I think if I had been one of them I would have been watching from the eaves, wondering when all these people would go home. I didn't see any sign of them. No wispy drifts of organdie, no veils, no drifts of rose water anywhere. Perhaps someone else did, but nobody I asked had seen anything either. What I did notice was that the energy in the house felt 'scattered'. Nervous almost. And it made me wonder if ghost hunters, with good intentions for all I know, disturb the unseen residents as they track them down looking for sightings. What do you think. What must the Ghosts of Avenel think about all the sophisticated machinery plugged into their home? Perhaps they're fascinated. Perhaps they're pushing buttons seeing how things work. I heard one of the hunters getting more and more frustrated trying to get his Power Point presentation to work. . . helllloooo . . . is their a ghost I the house? Happy Spring everyone :)


Susan Coryell said...

Actually, Karen W. sensed a woman in a long dress who advised me to "tell the truth" about slavery should I decide to write about it for my next novel. "There are two sides," Karen reported the woman said. Other than a prickly feeling on the back of my neck--possibly just a reaction to Karen's message, I did not sense anyone myself. Interesting day, though!

Somewhere Out There said...

Thanks Susan!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ginny, I would think it more than likely that the ghosts would find their space disrupted that day and not feel comfortable about being noticed! They could easily enjoy interfering with a power point presentation too, just for fun and curiosity... I feel privileged to have seen and been aware of ghosts.

Somewhere Out There said...

Maybe :)