A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Friday, September 7, 2012


Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow, the publisher of  'By Morning's Light' pulls their safety net out from under me, leaving me to carry on the publicity with out them. I have no complaints. They've given me three good months of their weight behind the book, as well as the force of their publicity team headlining and spot-lighting the title, but now it's time for them to move onto the next batch of books and leave me to my own devices. Sink or swim in other words.
So, I"M SWIMMING!  Who'd like to be on  my team? One way or another, I'm pushing this book to the NYT Bestseller list - are you coming? Climb aboard - when we can afford it, there'll be cocktails all around but for now we've got to get paddling. (The 200 hp Mercury outboard motor is on order)
     Here's what I'm talking about: I was in Barnes & Noble a couple of days ago, nonchalantly walking by the bookshelf that hold's "By Morning's Light." A man was standing there reading something else.NOT my book. So I wandered by, lightly and breezily - humming a little tune - and with a great deal of cooool I casually pointed to my book and said, "Have you read this book?" He jumped and shook his head looking a little panicked. "Well, you have to read it," said I. "It's absolutely amazing !" And wandered off before he could turn it over and see the picture on the cover.
     Now. That was a mistake according to one of the team. "You should have offered to sign it!" She said. And she's right. Put the thing in his hands and pull out a pen and before you know it he's wandering towards the check-out looking dazed. That's strategy # 1.
So, team, next time you're in any bookstore that's carrying The Book, you know what to do. And if he has a friend, give them two. Desperate times call for desperate measures so the tough have to get going. Try not to shove or push anyone up against the wall though. Threats are out, unless you can come up with something like, "I think I'm going to cry ..." Only works with some men, so not totally reliable."Buy it or else!" - not so much...
     If you're in a bookstore that isn't carrying the book (God forbid) - casually ask, "Why the Hell not?"Grab a pen off the desk and write down "HOW TO ORDER! Llewellyn.com - Amazon.com -Ginnybrock-author.webs.com" And say "There! Don't you know this book is on it's way to the NYT Best Seller list? Everybody's asking for it!"  That's strategy #2
     Seriously. If you liked the book, please introduce it to your book clubs. If you know anyone you think it would help, give them a copy or go to the bookstore with them so you can show them where its stashed. (And look out for potential 'sales' at the same time) If you work for a hospice group, an intensive care facility, bookstores or libraries, or belong to women's groups, grief support  groups or any group - tell them about Morning's Light. That's strategy #3 
GO TEAM! I'm betting on YOU! (No whining!) We're going all the way to New York!!

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