A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Monday, September 17, 2012


    The emotion of fear is in fact, the most fearful of all things. And the fear of death is one of its most prolific cultivations. It seems to be at the root of all adversity, the driving force used by fearful people to control their environment. Have you noticed how fearful people become mean people, offensive human beings, unhappy and vengeful? In its worst disguise I think fear is a killer of all that this happy, peaceful and loving.
     It is one of the reasons I felt compelled to write "By Morning's Light". My thinking was that if I could lessen the fear of dying by taking some of the fear out of the great unknown, I could bring some peace to people and in so doing, make this world a little happier, less stressed and allow people to fill that space with the far greater emotion of love - for each other and the world we live in.
     Wouldn't that be luverly!
     But sadly, there are people who are afraid to read the book because it might scare them. Fear of death and the unknown are in control here. Think so? Fear of sorrow and sadness.
     What if by reading this book you learned that there is nothing to fear?
     The great Hindu pacifist, Mohandas Ghandi has been quoted as saying that the more he thought about it, the more he studied, the more he became convinced that sorrow over death maybe the greatest illusion. "There is no death," he said. "No separation of substance." 
    What if by reading "By Morning's Light," I could show you that we don't die? Our physical bodies stop working when, for whatever reason, old age, illness or accident, the source of their energy departs. But in the reality of the collective consciousness, their spiritual energy is still very much alive, very much within our own sphere of consciousness, our own physical and ethereal space. It hasn't left us.
     But you already know this. You're just not sure you believe it. Have you ever felt a spirit? Or seen one in a dream? Most of us have felt the presence of loved ones who have left this earth. And most of us shake our heads in disbelief and say, "I must have had too much coffee." Or "Pure coincidence! Only a dream!"
     It's not easy to admit you've seen a ghost. Nobody wants to feel like an idiot. And its not surprising - it wasn't so long ago that some of us were burned at the stake for believing such things. The whole village showed up for the fireworks!
     Well, I believe such things, and I'm not afraid of institutional councils or inquisitions. I'm hoping to light up the village in a very different way, with light that can permeate the darkest part of our greatest fear - the fear of death.
    We don't die, she says! What nonsense.
     But what if I'm right. What if I could crack that window open for you, allowing you to light up the dark for a minute, an hour - maybe longer.
     My book has done, and is doing, that for thousands of people. It's a great read. Sad, sure. But mostly happy, uplifting, funny and very real. It's a quick read with the most common comment being "I couldn't put it down.
     I hope you'll read it and if you get to the end of it I hope that even if you're not convinced, you'll ask yourself, "What if? What if Ginny's right?"
     And he book will have done its job.
     Tomorrow I'll write about my cat - who is afraid of nothing. :)   

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