A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Friday, March 2, 2012

Figuring Out the Energy Crisis

Here's something else I've been thinking about concerning this energetic body of ours.While acknowledging that this body human is far more than a set of arms and legs, one head (if you're lucky) and a torso with all the necessary inside parts to keep things running smoothly, I have often been stunned at the way the ethereal or energetic body can influence all of its physical components.
Take a bout of depression for example. As you know, this can really throw a wrench into the works. Depression happens to me when I'm emotionally running on empty.(I can't discuss the really serious and heartbreaking condition of clinical depression because I'm no doctor.) I'm thinking about  the occasional blues when I'm feeling bummed out.
I don't feel like eating, don't want to talk to anyone, don't want to go anywhere or see anyone. Just leave me alone. Bug off! Take your jollies and flush 'em!
My thoughts and emotions have done this. And to make matters worse prehaps they've even teamed up with physical exhaustion. Everything interacts. Now my eyes are leaking. My lungs are drawing in this bad energy and exhaling deep sighs. All I want to do is sleep. Well you can if you like. But have some chocolate first. Chocolate perks everything up.
And then there is the good stuff. You've won the lottery! Maybe you've won a contract you've worked your patootie off to get - your ship's come in! You've fallen in love. OMG You're on top of the world - you want to shout it from the roof tops. You want to tell everyone the good news and then you discover that you love everyone around you. OMG Your emotions have done this. Isn't it great? You're bung full of energy and you can take on the world if you have to.
The side effect of both these extremes is that which ever energy you're holding effects those around you. Doesn't it. Notice how your blues can throw a whole household into a funk. And your joy can lift the world. Suddenly everyone around you is smiling.
The other thing is that the blues create toxicity within our human selves while happiness releases endorphins that produce multi molecules of well- being. I want some of that. You can take the other away waiter, it's CORKED!  Unfortunately we can't always order up what we want.
What I know though, is this: inner balance can be achieved by periods of inner silence which rests my mind and body and allows me to breathe in all the goodness that exists around me. I reject the negativity, I don't allow it into this special retreat of mine. And I especially love Three Musketeers bars.
Try it. Clear you mind, breathe deeply and just BE. Just be with you. Be your own best friend - and eat more choclit.        
Cheers everyone!


jonjonmet said...

Chocolate contains the amino acid arginine a well known ingredient for boosting the libido in both men and women.

Somewhere Out There said...

Thank You John, I'll remember that :)