A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Have You Ever Wondered

Someone leaves this earth. It maybe someone you've loved. A relative, a friend, a special person in your life. And one day you're sitting at your computer minding your own business when a strong smell of aftershave invades your space. OMG you recognize that smell - but it can't be -  there's no one but you in the house. It lingers. You run to the bathroom cabinet to check the containers of cologne and aftershave left behind by someone you love. They're all there. The lids are on tightly. And there's no one but you in the house.

He's letting you know he's still close by. No! He's gone - he's dead, you say. But ...

What if you're sitting there quietly with a glass of wine one evening thinking about a recent trip to the islands with him and a book you bought from one of the island bookstores inexplicably falls off a shelf.

He's letting you know he's nearby. No way!

Yes way. What about that song that came on the car radior this morning when you pulled the car over because one of those waves of grief came over you and you couldn't see the road through your tears.

It's ... the song we danced to at our wedding all those years ago. Noooo ... could it be him? That's impossible.

No it's not. And that glimpse you caught of something out of the corner of your eye?  When you looked it was gone. It's happened twice - no three times. Makes you wonder. But don't worry - be happy. It's a great thought that he may be close by.

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