A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Elephant Speak

     My book, "By Morning's Light," has as one of its themes and maybe at its core, the subject of Soul Survival and Spirit Communication.
     What an incredible assumption. How great would it be if we all understood that it's possible to breach the great divide of death and speak to the people we know and love who have crossed over into another dimension.

     I have a dear friend who gets frustrated with the whole idea from time to time. "If you can see and talk to spirits, how come I can't!'  I don't have the answer to that. But this evening I got a glimpse of something that may make sense. Did anyone see the 60 Minutes program tonight? It was about a woman who has spent seventeen years in the Congo forests studing the language of elephants for Cornell University. One of her findings was thast their most intimate 'rumblings' cannot be picked up by the human ear. She, like Diane Fossy and her guerillas and Jane Goodall and her chimps who was also featured on this program, has dedicated her life to interpreting the phenomena and learning to communicate with these creatures.

     What if Spirit Communication mimics that? I realise that with animals we're breaching the natural division created by species and with spirit we're breaching the unfathomable and "supernatural" divide of death. But wasn't communicating with animals just as unfathomable not long ago to all but indigenous people whose lives were entwined with those animals?

    What I focused on as I watched this program was the approach of these researchers in their studies. In essence, along with an intense desire to learn, in a place they loved, with beings they longed to communicate with, they created a space around them that was at once peaceful, quiet, open, focused and comfortable. A place where a meeting of mind and spirit could occur. The space was comfortable with no preconditions, no judgement, no expectations other than their hopes for an opening of some sort. It is an easy and welcoming place to enter whether you are from another species - or another dimension. There is no threat there for the animals and disbelief is suspended in the case of Spirit.

     Sounds like a Meditative state, doesn't it? In a way it is. In my experience, that word "meditate" can throw up road blocks for people trying to "get" this stuff. When I first began to study this, trying to "meditate" was pretty darn impossible. I'd settle down in the appropriate manner and immediately my mind filled with "I'd better get the chicken out of the freezer!" Or "What's that smell?" Or "I wonder what time it is..." Then I learned that the brain goes into a natural "meditative" state whenever you're intensely focused on something you're absorbed in. Whether it's listening to elephants or playing a video game. The brain waves change. Painting or wood working. Going for a long walk or run, music ... You can probably think of other instances. Sitting on the beach listening to the ocean... That space just before you fall asleep.

     Try it if you like. Fill your space with something you love doing. A place you love. Go into a 'zone' of sorts. And if the chicken in the freezer pops in - don't worry, just say, "Have a seat and be quiet!"

     I'll share some more thoughts on this later.  



Anonymous said...

It's 0119 hours in the morning of January 24, 2010. I've just finished reading all of Ginny's blog entries. Some of them sent shives through me. When this happens, my intiution tells me, I have just been exposed to truth!

I'm was surprised there were no comments made to any of Ginny' entries, until I "clicked" on "0 comments" to make one and saw Ginny had written, "Many of my friends are unable to post a comment. Please fix this!"

Now, I'm not sure this comment of mine, will be posted either; but prior to clicking on the "Publish" button, I'll copy it to her Facebook page.

Ginny, it is so gratifying to learn you have acquired this deep, spirtiual outlook on life. Ginny's question,"Who are we, anyway"? is a profound inquiry, that becomes a doorway in the mind to the eternal mystery of "Be-ing!"

My late older sister, Vivian Loraine Heeschen, who earned her daily bread in this demension as a Spiritual Dream Interperter,* was fond of telling her students, when they broached a question about the possibility of an afterlife, "You'll never be deader than you are right now!"

In terms of human life years, I've been out of Ginny's sphere of influence for many of them. I knew her parents, Jerry and Ann Le Grand, much better than I ever knew her, although I did take her out to dinner at the Northholm Hotel sometime between the months of April and November, 1966, when she was twenty and I was thirty-eight.

I was aquainted with the man, who would become her husband, Walter Brock; but I don't remember if I attend their wedding, although I was at her younger sister's (Toni) when she married Charles N. Green that same year.

Until last month, when through another Seychelles lady, who also married another Philco-Ford Tech Rep, I found out both Ginny and Toni, were on Facebook.

We call into our lives, those from whom we must learn, and those to whom we must teach; some for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime.

The most important thing to find out, while we are wearing these space suits, that enable us to function on the physical plane, is:

Are we eternal beings, who will step into an afterlife, when That which anamates us dicards its spacesuit?

If not, then this entire physical universe exists for no purpose whatsoever, and is a complete waste of time and energy!

*See my older brother's book, "The Meaning of Dreams for leeping man" for more about Vivian's teachings.

Anonymous said...

Woops! I missed one mistake during my editing. The word "leeping" in the last sentence, should have been "sleeping."

Arlo R. (aka "Hap") Hansen