A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Colors of the Rainbow

When I think of the Colors of the Rainbow, I think of freshly-washed skies, and crystalline air reflecting the sun, changing and casting its light in an arc of color. On Thursday afternoon, I hope you'll join me at the Westlake library at 4.00,for a colorful and entertaining presentation of "Rainbow Rising". The book was written in answer to the many questions you asked during a multitude of presentations I made across this state and others; questions you had following the publication of "By Morning's Light". In "Rainbow Rising" I've done my best to answer every one of them. One of those questions was, "How old were you when you first knew you could feel and see spirits?" Well, come with me on Thursday on a fascinating trip through the gold savanna grasses of Africa, to the crater where the old Sangoma lives; a medicine woman with "so many years in her skin that no one can count them." I met her once with Lizzie, my Zulu nanny, who introduced me to the ancient spirits of Africa. That may have been the beginning, but somehow I don't think so. You see, as a very young child, I could remember the essence of another place - the place before this place called earth. I remember it's colors, it's sounds and air that sparkled. Somehow I knew that there was so much more to me than skin and bones. You asked me, "How can Isee spirits? Where can I find them? How can I speak to them?" And then, "I don't think I can do that ..." The simple answer is, "Yes you can." We all can. So, follow my yellow brick road and I'll show you how I did it. The journey was FUN. Intriguing, fascinating - visiting another dimension always is, I imagine - and it involved getting to know people who were far more savvy than me, more fun and totally awesome in their teaching of something this amazing. This was the Metaphysical Study Group I belonged to, who my sweet husband Walter referred to playfully,as "The Spook Group." After a bout of his teasing one afternoon, I asked him how he would like to wake up in the morning, green and croaking and warty... But I'm not a sorceress. You will however meet a real witch in the book - A Good Witch, bouncy, charming, and one whose lineage contains at least one true witch. Who knew they were hereditary? You wanted to know, was I ever afraid of opening myself up to evil spirits? No. Dark Energy (read evil) cannot survive in light. Only Spirits of Light, God, his Holy Spirit, my own angels and guides, and sometimes yours,are ever invited into my circle. Do you believe in fairies? Maybe you will one day. Where was God? Where were his Angels on September 11th? Didn't you see them? What happened to Buck when the spook group practiced their levitation skills on him at a New Year's Eve party? Tune in on Thursday for the thrilling conclusion...as the Universe turns. :) Ever wondered if you may have lived before? Met a battlefield ghost from Manassas? Or another from a wagon train trying to cross the Rockies. I can't wait to see you on Thursday! It's going to be so much fun - and more than that, I look forward to hearing from you. Your stories, Your impressions, Your questions. Help me to color your world, fill it with hope and, of course, Rainbows. See you there - Thursday at the library at Westlake. And bring your friends and high spirits. Until then!

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