A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Monday, March 25, 2013

Snow Day

If it thunders in February it will snow in April! My late mother-in-law knew these things and the way things are going I have no reason to disbelieve her.

If you live in my corner of Virginia you know that it snowed all day yesterday, took a breather at about 6:00 p.m. and then started up again at somewhere around midnight - I have to take someone's word for that as I was asleep, but we did add another inch to the 6 inches we got yesterday.

I loved it. But Miss Kitty was another matter. She was in all day and all last night, mostly snoozing, because she hates getting her feet wet and cold.
She also hates her litter box and will only pee outside. (Which I'm thankful for in  many ways.)

So I said, "Your ancestors were barn cats in Maine for heaven's sake! I can't believe you're worried about a little snow?"

She said, "My ancestors also had to eat raw mouse day and night. They didn't live in Virginia - with you... Anyway, they were fine. Their barns in Maine were better than the Norwegian forests that they used to live in."

So she was stayed inside with her legs crossed getting more bad tempered by the minute, until finally she couldn't take any longer and at 10:00 a.m. this morning she crept outside.

One step at a time, Dear Pussy Cat God!

Into the bushes.

Many ounces lighter ... That's enough of that!
And it's not even April yet!
Happy Snow Day Virginians! Happy Any sort of Day everyone else.
Seize it.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What's Next?

My African friends will recognize this picture, so will many of you who have never been to Africa. (If I could take you all, I would).
This is a shrub that grows on the plains of Africa in summer, and in the mountains and on the coast. We call it "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow".
The first buds of summer that appeared Yesterday are tightly wrapped and deep purple. They'll begin to open Today and as they do, they lighten to a shade of lavender, wide eyed and searching for the sun. Tomorrow, in the last throes of their short life they'll fade to bright white, eventually falling from the stem to begin the cycle all over again.
Proves my point that we're all connected. How so?
Think about it. We arrive on this planet, tightly wrapped from our mother's wombs - you can still see the creases on a new born baby - and some of us are pink but one of mine was verging on purple when he was born. We begin to open our eyes and gaze around in wonder, then step into life and seize it for all we're worth. From the first unsteady steps, we progress to the running stage and then there's no holding us. We leap into the full bloom of our lives with everything we've got seizing it with both hands, flaunting the beauty of our youth and energy for all to see. Shining as brightly as the sun by day and the moon by night.
And then, as though surfeiting of the glories of summer, we begin to fade. And "... nothing can bring back that splendor in the grass..."  (Thank you Mr. Wordsworth)

Eventually, we too fall from the stem and the cycle begins again.
So, my friends, Carpe Diem. There's lots of living to be done! Whether you're eighteen or eighty - healthy or ailing, give it everything you've got. Today belongs to us. Tomorrow? Who knows? It's not promised to anyone so take on this day and live it and love it and make it the best day of your life.

NOTE: Following the publishing of "By Morning's Light, so many of you asked me, "How can I connect with people I love on the Other Side?" In response to that, I've written a second book that tells you how I first became aware of souls speaking to souls. It's part autobiographical and part "How To." It's all fun! Funny, poignant, happy, sad and informative.
I've named it, "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow."  I hope it will be available this summer. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Let Me Fix that For You!

There was a time not long ago when I really wanted to fix a dear friend of mine. Her life was turning into a shambles and she couldn't seem to find the answers to any of her problems.
I on the other hand, from where I was standing, could see multiple ways she could make things better.
Wanting to help her I gently pointed out a few things she could do to pull herself out of what looked like a free fall into a crash and burn situation.
She agreed with most things I said but I could see I wasn't making much of an impression. She's depressed, I decided. Well, we can fix that! A Zumba class! Lively Latin music, dance, exercise and fun all rolled into one neat prescription for depression. She just stared at me. Okay, maybe I should have started with Yoga. Maybe, she said. Thinking I'd found an inroad I plied her with numbers to call and even gave her the names of a couple of Yoga instructors I knew.
Nothing happened. Maybe it was a nutritional thing. Should she try cutting out wheat? Sugar? Maybe, she said.
What about nicotine? To me this was the obvious thing. No! She refused.
The key phrase here is; from where I was standing. It's the totally wrong vantage point. If I'm going to fix her I have to be standing where she is. In her shoes and walking her path. The trouble is, that's not possible. As close as I am to her, I have no way of knowing everything that's going on in her life. From the outside looking in it seems that her life should be very good. A hard working husband, good kids, a comfortable home. What am I missing?
Nearly everything. No one can get into the soul of another person. No one knows the inner workings of someone elses marriage, someone elses family or home life. No one knows everything about anyone elses background, childhood and how that may be playing into the present circumstances.
Except for the person who is living that life.
So maybe I should abandon all my efforts to help?
I don't think so. I just have to understand that she is the only one who can help. If she wants to. She has to decide to fix things for herself. What if she doesn't want to? Well, you may stay awake at night worrying and fussing and getting frustrated with her but it won't help anyone.
So with this friend of mine, who I love, I have decided that she has to make her own choices. She has to walk her own path. And I have to be okay with whatever she decides to do. I can be here for her anytime of the day or night she needs to talk to someone. I can support her decisions - whether I agree with them or not - remembering that what may not be right for me, might be okay for her. And I have to keep reminding myself that I cannot walk her path for her. I can be there if she trips and I can pick her up if she falls and give the encouragement she needs to keep moving forward. And I can pray that it's enough.
 It's snowing again today! A chance to make new footprints in the snow and if you feel like it, change the direction of footsteps past. If not, keep on moving forward.

Be Happy.