A Shaft of Light

A Shaft of Light

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dream Taps - Hellooo!

I think a lot about dreams with messages.
If you're like me, you'll dream a lot sometimes, or a little sometimes, and the dreams are either pretty lukewarm, straight forward flashes of pictures with landscapes and people and actions. Some make sense and some don't.

But every so often you get one that really grabs your attention. It's so real, so vibrant, rings so true that you know in the deepest part of your being that This Wasn't a Dream! And you don't care who says it is, you KNOW that you were there, in the middle of that dream, involved with the people and the dream action. When these dreams happen, I try to figure out what the message was. Usually it's pretty clear but sometimes it take a day or two to sink in.

Four or five night ago, I was sound asleep, minding my own business when one of these dreams dropped in. I was in the presense of two old friends that I had seen or spoken to for months, maybe as long as a year. I'm sure they crossed my mind at some point but it was a very busy time and sadly, I'd neglected them.

But there they were. The wife stood directly in front of me, her husband a little behind her and to one side. "We'll get through this," she was saying and as she spoke I had the real feeling that whatever they were "getting through", had to do with her husband. And then they were gone. The dream ended.

I thought about it a lot the next day, thinking I needed to call and say "Hi" if nothing else. So two days later I did.

When I asked, "How are you guys?" My friend said they were "okay". There was something in her tone (and the dream) that made me say, "Just "okay"?

"Well, not actually," I heard her say. "We're stressed out. But we'll get through this!" It turned out that her husband was going into hospital the next day for some pretty extensive surgery.
There were actually two of these "drop in" message dreams. The other happened the night before the one I've told you about. In this one I found myself again with three people, my sister-in-law, her deceased husband and me. He was climbing a ladder getting up onto the roof of a building. He had his back to us. She stood directly in front of me and said something I can't for the life of me remember. But I knew there was a message. So I called her.

She was fine, she said. And she sounded fine so I didn't press it. Then she told me, she actually had a terrible case of shingles. I sympathized with her, hoped she'd be over them soon, and she said she doubted it because they were TERRIBLE!

Try as I might I couldn't find the message here - but it was a message dream I knew. Then, about a week later, lying in bed early one morning I got it. About a year before my sister-in-law lost her husband, he was at our house helping my husband and son shingle the roof of our new garage! That's why, the the dream, I saw him climbing a step ladder up to the roof of a building.
There it was.

So pay attention to these dreams that feel so real that you know deep down they're not really dreams. They have messages.

Sweet dreams, everyone!

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